This cow pictured on the left above made one million dollars in Litchfield Connecticut this week. If you want to know why, read this.
On the other hand you couldn't care less. Food prices rise, imports of cheap(er) beef are not allowed, our cars eat better than us, and yellow packs are back. My god, is that Pat Quinn I see. Recession, what recession.
How much did the cow on the right go for?
not as much, but the annual maintenance is much higher.
She didn't REALLY sell for a million. Heck, some of the sellers are the same people as the buyers. It's all a show to bring attention to this cow and add dollars to the sales of her daughters and sons. She will produce lots of embryos that will sell for lots of money.
A new year and Ewan Mcgregor has still refused to publicly state that star wars was his favorite film. This is a continous insult to star wars fans.
he was happy to take the money when he was making them.
please put pressure on your public representative(MP or Senator) to put pressure mcGregor via the british government.
remember if mcGregor continues to insult star wars fans , you in the british isles will suffer the consequences
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