As was noted earlier in this blog, Brian Cowen has Lemass as one of his ideal role models. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer and what better way than to make Brian Lenihan Finance Minister ? Keep the culchies on your side. As far as that goes, the new cabinet is more of a pine dresser than a clive christian.
Culchies Abu
Not since the days of Albert Reynolds have culchies ruled so much. Neither Brian Lenihan nor Mary Hanafin would be considered Dubs by any self-respecting skanger. Pat Carey may be a northsider TD, but Party Whip? Who cares? What is a whip, bud?
Fine Gael must move
Brian screwed it up at the first hurdle. Enda Kenny must strike now - he has done enough 'planning and organising'. Dublin has to be the main battle ground. He must beard the lion now - if not both he and FG are doomed, Mr. Mannering.
Republican Nepotism
Ah yes. All men are equal. Especially if you are a Lenihan, a Coughlan, a Hanafin, a de Valera (O Cuiv), an Andrews and even, god forgive us, a Cowen.
picture from roundstone summerfest
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