
Monday, October 12, 2009

Bertie View of Lehman's Balls

from seanie in the blasket;

I know it's too easy to hold Bertie Ahern up to ridicule - after all he does it best himself. But as he appears to want to run for the President's job I cannot hold back. No way can we have De President up in de Park next to the ehzoo.
Kathy Sheridan had a great piece in the Irish Times last saturday. It seems Bertie thinks Lehmans was some sort of multi-balled American.
Thank you Kathy.
New section on Bertie.

1 comment:

Grandad said...

What in the name of all that's holy was he on about there?? That eejit naver fails to amaze me with his incoherent ramblings. And he is supposed to have written a book? Hah!