
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why Grandad didn't win at Irish Blog Awards - IBA10

from agnes in sean ogs;

Wrong demographic.

Wrong era.

Wrong dress sense.

Over 15.

Pic of IBA delegates(!) robbed from White Rabbit NI


Daddy Papersurfer said...

Typical ...... grumph

kerryview said...

>daddy, and I may be older than him... said...

Oh Jaysus...the sight of Naughtons pub makes me thirsty...I drank my way through college there...maybe if I stayed outside on the street like the bloggers, I'd have won an Irish Blog Award...

Grandad said...

D'you think it would help if I shaved the beard off?

kerryview said...

>Eddie you are far too old.

>Grandad you're not shaving my beard off.

btw I just noticed the girl with the silver leg. said...

too old for disco, too young for bingo...

thanks for pointin out the girl with the silver leg...I notice it has a light on the thigh...sorta like a traffic looks to be blue when the pic was taken...

and by de way, did ye read about the lady bloggers tea party at the G Hotel? No wonder the country is fucked..

kerryview said...

>eddie Lady Bloggers ? where else but the Gee Hotel (as the Dubs would say)